Choosing A Reciprocating Saw Blade

In this guide we will cover the correct blade types for all of your reciprocating saw needs.

Dewalt 12 Saw Blade

The types of blades available for the recipro saw range in length from 2 1/2 to 12 inches, and are normally heavier than jig saw blades. They are used for cutting everything from wood to metal and every type of material in between.

Dewalt 12 Saw Blade

Blade Types

Fine-Tooth - Use these when a smooth cut is needed for wood, plastic, or hardboard.

Knife - You will find this blade to have the greatest range of uses. It will cut cloth, rubber, leather, linoleum, and other similar materials.

Course-Tooth - This blade is normally used for cutting green wood.

Hack Saw - Use this blade to cut metal, typically up to 1/8 inch in thickness.

Many reciprocating saw models will have the blades mounted to cup up, down, or horizontally, and flush with an adjoining surface. In construction work and remodeling, long blades can be used to cut right through a wall. If using this method make sure wires or plumbing fixtures won't be damaged.

These type of blades can cut through any nails they come across. Be aware that blades manufactured specifically for cutting heavier materials like bar stock or piping, needed to be lubricated with oil regularly.

Choosing the right blade for your use really depends on what type of task you intend to complete. Choose the right one for your needs. Also remember to use your reciprocating saw in a safe and controlled manner.

Choosing A Reciprocating Saw Blade
Dewalt 12 Saw Blade

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